Over the past few centuries, ninjas have grown to the status of a fearsome warriors from the past who have many stories or legends surrounding them. Ninjas often use tricks and disguises to make themselves seem supernatural and able to accomplish even the most...
The Benefits of a Photo Booth Backdrop
In the 1800s, portrait photographers would make use of a hand-painted photo booth backdrop either in their studios or carried to the location of a shoot. These would often depict exotic gardens, scenes from nature or lavish architectural interiors using trompe-l’œil—a...
3 Things Rookie Quilters Should Know
Quilting can seem intimidating for a beginner. Don't let those initial fears and worries stop you from giving it a try, though. Here are a few helpful tips you’ll want to take to heart. You’ll make mistakes Don’t let those mistakes get you down, though. Mistakes are...
Wearable Lights that Make You Stand Out in a Crowd
Are you looking for a unique, fashionable way to show off your style? Do you love lowkey swag and want to let everyone know? If so, then wearable battery powered LED lights are just the thing for you. This type of unique wardrobe item is the perfect way to show your...
Incorporating Modern Style into Your Home
In most cases choosing the perfect décor for your home is something that requires the proper amount of attention and time. A person’s home reflects their inner selves as well as their family’s overall personality and atmosphere. When decorating your home in today’s...